Senapathi movie story is based on the commonly held belief: No one is a born criminal; it is the society/circumstances that make one so. The screenplay for such a story has to be written well; and I am pleased to say that the director of Senapathi, my friend Pavan Sadineni, and his team have come up with a fitting screenplay. Pavan’s direction ensures that there is no dull moment - from the selection of the shots to the editing, Pavan has done a good job. Veteran actor Rajendra Prasad is superb in his role. Naresh Agastya, Gnaneshwari Kandregula, Satya Prakash, Harshavardhan, Jeevan Kumar, Josh Ravi, Keshav Deepak, Sreedhar Reddy Nalla and Rakendu Mouli - each actor has excelled in their roles.
Music director Sharan Bharadwaj, DOP Vivek Kalepu, Editor Gauram Nerasu have done their respective jobs well. Some of the dialogues by Rakendu Mouli touched my heart deeply. Kudos to the producers, Gold Box Entertainment, for ensuring production values of a high standard.
You’ve started the year with a good film, Pavan bro. I am happy that you are tackling competently different genre films - love, romance, crime thrillers, and so on. Looking forward to more movies from you. My best wishes to you and the entire team of Senapathi.
Don’t miss the movie Senapathi, streaming now on Aha Video.