Do you like/dislike the taste of tegalu (తేగలు)? If you dislike it, in about 18-odd minutes, Rajeev Kanakala as Abbas with his memories and feelings about Tegalu will tempt you to try tegalu once more! In his understated but feeling-laden recollections about khova, apples and Tegalu, Rajeev enthralls his son, daughter and wife and moves them (and us, the viewers) to tears as he reveals why Tegalu is so special for him. Gayatri Bhargavi as his wife Salma, Roshan as his son and Rupika as his daughter - all impress with their mobile faces fluently flitting from one feeling to another. Three cheers to Karuna Kumar for a simple story told so well!

I appreciate Karuna Kumar for presenting Metro Kathalu - an anthology of 4 stories, each different from the other - a tough task for a director to hold the attention of audiences generally used to one story featuring one hero, one heroine and the ensemble around them. Audiences should welcome and encourage such out of the ordinary storytelling efforts.

As a small token of my appreciation for such novel work, I thought I would write a few lines about each of the stories in separate posts.
Wishing the Metro Kathalu team all the best!