Guess it all began with an instinct for telling stories;
The instinct became a drive as I grew up.
Coming from a modest background, I faced so many struggles,
So many disappointments, so many battles, betrayals, bullying
Not to forget, quite a few pats, praises, encouraging words and deeds,
And, yes, I reached my goal of becoming a director!

I know I still have a long way to go -
But I am proud to be a director, creating, writing my own page,
In the annals of this colourful and lovely film industry!

‘Happy Director’s Day’ - Indebted as I am to them, my best wishes to all the directors who inspired me with their work and who gave me opportunities to get exposure to filmmaking.
‘Happy Director’s Day’ - My heartfelt wishes to all the director friends in the industry and would-be directors - whom I have met in person and on social media.
My fellow directors and aspiring directors:
Be what you wanna be! Fight for the stories you wanna tell! Create, write your own page!
Inspire others! Help the needy!
Pic left-From Right: Vishwaraghu choreographer, Gemini Suresh actor, Harinath Babu director
Pic right-During the song shoot: Harinath Babu with Vishwaraghu Choreographer